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November 7, 2012


I know this post is a week late but it's been a busy week and I am finally getting around to it. I am a make your own kind of costume girl. The more unique the better. As long as my kids let me, I'm going to make them costumes.

This year, my 6 year old, wanted to be an iPod. He decided that back in July and has been talking about it ever since. So, I made him a costume using foam board, some elastic and I printed off the icons from my computer. His costume was a hit.

My middle child wore a flamenco dress that her Aunt had picked up in Spain. It wasn't home made but it was unique. She loved it.

My youngest used his brother's costume that I had made when he was 2. Lucky thing, G loves pirates and was excited to wear it.

And here's a picture of D wearing the same costume in 2008:

And of course, Halloween wouldn't be a complete without some tears from grumpy G-man.

I hope your Halloween was a good one.

Shara Pin It

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