A few weeks back while "window shopping" at Goodwill, I came across this little wooden tray that had been painted an awful yellow with a floral design (I need to start taking before pics...it was seriously ugly). So not my taste but it was $1.99 and it was 50%off! I decided to buy it but couldn't decide what to do with it. It sat in the garage for quite awhile after I sanded off the original design and primed it.
I picked up some lovely apple green spray paint and decided it was the perfect color for the little tray. After painting it, I still wasn't sure what to do with it. I thought about using my Silhouette vinyl to create a design but after cleaning up the craft room yesterday, I had these pictures staring at me. So I decided to take a little Mod Podge and the picture and here's the finished result.

It was really easy. I first coated the bottom of the tray with Mod Podge and spread it around. Then I centered the picture in the bottom of the tray. After letting it sit for 20 or so seconds and smoothing it down, I applied a layer of Mod Podge all over the picture and the bottom of the tray. It sealed it down and gave the tray a nice matte finish. I love how it turned out. Miss M is excited that her "foots are on the tray!"
Have a great day,
Shara Pin It